Health Professions - Graduate Programs

Vaccinations for M.Sc. or Ph.D. degree students

It is recommended that M.Sc. and Ph.D. students take the following vaccinations at the beginning of their studies:

  • Students exposed to blood and by-products, thereof, and/or working with animals must be vaccinated for Hepatitis B.
  • Tetanus.
  • Tests for reaction to tuberculin – follow up on the non-immunized.
  • Vaccination for mumps, measles, and rubella (MMR) is recommend for students under 30.
  • Polio vaccination for students under the age of 40 (if they did not receive the vaccination in 1988).
  • Rabies vaccination, if exposed to dogs and cats.


These vaccinations are available at all the Health Funds.  Vaccinations are also available at a cheaper rate from the University-sponsored program.  Students interested in this service should contact Dr. Ophira Smetana, Tel: 6409599, or Ms. Michal Ofer, Tel: 6409798, at the beginning of the year.

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