Entrance Exams

All exams listed below apply to undergraduate degree applicants only, with the exception of the Hebrew and English Proficiency Exams, which must be taken by both undergraduate and graduate degree candidates.


Preliminary Remarks

  • Applicants are requested to be in the examination hall half an hour before the beginning of the examination.
  • Applicants should bring their registration acknowledgment form (if they have already received it) and an identification document (including a photograph, date of birth and identity number). Regarding the Psychometric Entrance Examination, the Hebrew and English Proficiency Exams, applicants should act according to the instructions on the invitation form for the exam.


Please note

Applicants must make certain that the identity number written on the registration form for the Psychometric Examination and the identity number written on the registration form for the other exams is identical to the number on the application form for Tel Aviv University.

Discrepancies between these numbers may delay acceptance procedures.


English Placement Examination

  • All candidates required to take the Psychometric Examination must also take the English Placement section of the Psychometric Exam, even if the candidate is already exempted from English.  (Please see the section, “Division of Foreign Languages). The grade attained will in no way cancel the candidate's exemption.    In cases where there is more than one score in English, the higher level will be taken into consideration.
  • Candidates for the master’s degree, holding a B.A. from abroad (except from institutions where the language of instruction is English) and undergraduate applicants who are exempted from the Psychometric Entrance  Examination (see the Hebrew website) must take the English Placement Exam Amir (exam No. 3).  There are no limitations on the number of times the Amir exam may be repeated (see “Knowledge of English).


   It is possible to apply online for the Amir Exam only from Israel. From abroad please contact NITE.


Hebrew Proficiency Examination

The Hebrew Proficiency Exam is given immediately following the Psychometric Entrance Exam in Israel, for candidates who take the Psychometric Exam in a language other than Hebrew. No additional individual notices are sent out for these candidates.


The Hebrew Exam will also be given separately  in Israel, for candidates who did not pass it before or have not taken this exam. There will be a special charge for those who take the separate exam.


Information in the NITE website

Candidates who took the Psychometric Exam abroad and who must take the Hebrew Proficiency Exam are entitled to take it in Israel on the separate dates mentioned above. There is no additional charge for these candidates.


Those who did not take the Hebrew exam immediately after the Psychometric Exam must register for the separate exam.  Please see the examination schedule that follows for further details.


Psychometric Entrance Examination

The National Institute for Testing and Evaluation (NITE) administers the Psychometric Examination for candidates for undergraduate studies of all Israeli universities.


Examination Outside of Israel

NITE plans to administer the examination in several cities abroad. For information please visit the NITE website.


Registration Instructions

It is possible to apply online only from Israel and in Hebrew, or order the registration form by phone and send it by mail.


 The forms are available in Hebrew, English, French, Arabic, Russian.


Applicants who wish to be examined abroad are requested to apply directly to NITE to obtain a registration form.


Registration for the examination is made directly through NITE and not through the academic institutions.


The final registration dates for the various sessions in Israel are indicated on the registration form. Registration forms that reach NITE after registration closes will be transferred to the next session.



Candidates may take the Psychometric Examination several times, but not later than the dates specified in time-table and provided that it is not taken on two consecutive sessions.


Validity of Scores

Examination scores are valid from October 1990 on. Candidates taking the examination more than once (subject to the above restriction) will be evaluated by Tel Aviv University according to the best result.


Exams for Students with Disabilities

Examinees with medical, physical or psychological  limitations, or learning disorders may request from NITE to be examined under suitable conditions. For details see the NITE Registration Kit or the NITE website.


Test Results

Results will be automatically sent to all the examinees and to the universities in Israel. Within 45 days of the test date, scores will be emailed to examinees at the address that appears on the registration form. If, within two weeks of the test date, the examinee log onto the NITE website and withdraw his consent to receive scores by email, his scores will be sent only via the Israeli Post Office.  Scores can also be accessed on this website around the same time they are sent to the educational institutions by logging on using the name, ID number, and reference number. 

Tel Aviv University
P.O. Box 39040, Tel Aviv 6997801