Management - Undergraduate

The Leon Recanati Graduate School of Business Administration

This page is up to date 30.01.2024.


The Coller School of Management at Tel Aviv University is the largest of its kind in Israel and is accredited by AACSB International, the leading organization of business schools in the world. The School is noted for the high quality of its students and its uncompromising pursuit of excellence. Our academic faculty members are respected worldwide for their expertise in the various areas of management. Many of them are invited as visiting scholars to prestigious institutions of higher learning abroad and serve as advisors to firms and organizations in their areas of expertise. The school offers two undergraduate programs: One program offered is Accounting and another program offered is Management. Both programs are studied as a double-major BA programs. Our academic faculty and administrative staff do all they can to achieve our teaching goals by creating a pleasant and welcoming climate of studies. 

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