Health Professions - Graduate Programs

Department of Communication Disorders (0161)

This page is up to date 05.01.21.

Admission is open to graduates of Communication Disorders programs only. Applicants with a B.A. in Communication Disorders from an academic institution outside of Israel are required to present an official transcript of courses and grades and an official and detailed description of all courses taken, including the number of weekly hours and semesters. These must be translated into Hebrew or English, signed by a Public Notary, and sent to the Registration Office for evaluation.


Following receipt of these documents, candidates will be referred to the office of the Department of Communication Disorders for determining status according to one of the following conditions:

  1. If studies are considered equivalent to those of the B.A. of the Department, the candidate may register for the master's program.
  2. If it is determined that the candidates must complete courses given by the Department in order to establish equivalency, and if the number of these courses is less than one third of the number of theoretical courses offered by the Department for the B.A. degree and/or less than one third of the clinical practicum hours, the candidate may register as a student with special status. Upon completion of these courses and practicum, the candidate may apply for the master's program.
  3. If it is determined that the number of courses required for equivalency is more than one third of the number of theoretical courses offered by the Department in the B.A. program and/or more than one third of the clinical practicum program, the candidate will be required to register for the B.A. program and meet the regular admission requirements (including the psychometric exam). Credit will be given for courses taken in other programs if they are considered relevant.


Applicants who completed their undergraduate studies more than five years prior to their registration to the master's program will be required to complete courses in statistics, research methods, and computer applications.


Candidates are required to submit a passport photograph.


The number of places is limited.


The Admissions Committee considers the following factors: B.A. grade average, experience in the field, and evaluation of practical work.


The M.A. program offers two options of study.  One requires course work and submission of an M.A. thesis; the other requires a greater number of courses and a final project of smaller scope. M.A. students are required to work on a practicing basis during their studies, either as speech and language or as hearing clinicians.

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