Exact Sciences - Undergraduate Programs

Raymond and Beverly Sackler Faculty of Exact Sciences

The Faculty of Exact Sciences consists of five major academic units: the School of Chemistry; the School of Computer Science; the School of Physics and Astronomy; the School of Mathematical Sciences; and Porter School of the Environment and Earth Sciences. 


The normal duration of the undergraduate program is three years.  In special cases permission may be granted to extend the period to five years.


Eligibility and Admission Requirements

Foreign high school graduates must have successfully completed one year in exact sciences in the preparatory program (Mechina) or one academic year at a university where studies included at least one advanced mathematics course as well as courses in the exact sciences.


Applicants holding the British G.C.E. must have passed A-level exams in mathematics and at least one other subject in the exact sciences.


Graduates of French secondary schools must have certificates indicating successful completion of the mathematics, physics, and chemistry courses.


Applications of candidates who have completed their secondary education outside Israel will be evaluated by the Admissions Committee.


Applicants with Advanced Placement (AP) course units in mathematics, whose registration is based on a U.S. High School Diploma and SAT scores (1270 at least in the verbal and math sections) but do not attend “Mechina,” are required to contact the registration office in order to verify their eligibility to apply to the School of Mathematics or to the School Computer Science.


Applicants holding an Israeli Matriculation (Bagrut), see the Hebrew Information Booklet.


Preparatory courses

Preparatory courses in mathematics, physics, and chemistry are offered during the summer for a period of 6-8 weeks.  Those wishing to refresh their knowledge may participate.  A tuition fee is charged.

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