Computer Science


 The Blavatnik School of Computer Science and AI

This page is up to date 24.12.2024


The school’s diverse undergraduate programs offer students the broadest possible knowledge in computer science, probability, statistics, and operations research, while also providing basic knowledge in various areas of theoretical and applied mathematics.


Undergraduate Programs

  • Computer Science (B.Sc.) sm (0368)
  • Computer Science with any other major (0368.XXXX)
  • Combined Studies – Computer Engineering (Electrical Engineering) (B.Sc.) sm (0512.0368)
  • Computer Science and Life Sciences with emphasis on Bio-informatics (B.Sc.) sm (0455)


Since enrollment to the School of Computer Science is limited, only candidates with the highest grades will be admitted.


Transfer to the various programs is subject to the approval of the Curriculum Committee.


Admission to Computer Science

The admission requirements to Computer Science due to the large volume of applicants.  Admission depends on high grades on the Matriculation Examinations (“Bagrut” or equivalent) and the Psychometric Entrance Examination, and in rare instances, on high grades in extensive advanced studies in Mathematics and Physics.


To qualify for the second year in Computer Science, a student must complete the first year courses in the School of Mathematical Sciences with a weighted minimum average of 70.  (The teaching committee may require a higher average from students who changed the program to which they were originally accepted and from students who are exempted from some of their first year courses on the basis of previous academic studies). Since available places are limited, the number of students accepted will be determined each year according to the number of openings.


Students who are not accepted to the Computer Science School may transfer to the School of Mathematical Sciences in one of the other tracks.

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