Exact Sciences - Graduate programs

Raymond and Beverly Sackler Faculty of Exact Sciences

This page is up to date 14.01.2024.

Chemistry (0351)

Graduate studies include both, course work (28 semester-hours for  M.Sc. and 18 semester hours for Ph.D.) and research under the supervision of a faculty member. Fields of specialization:   Bioorganic Chemistry, Natural Products Chemistry, Drug Delivery, Organic Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Organometallic Chemistry and Catalysis, Fast Processes, Laser Chemistry, Computational Chemistry, Chemical Physics, Material Science, Nanochemistry, Nanotechnology and Molecular Electronics, Chemical and Biological Sensing, Green Chemistry,  NMR and MRI Solid State-NMR, Ssingle Molecule-Spectroscopy and more.


Admission Requirements for graduate studies

The Admissions Committee will only consider candidates with a B.Sc. in Chemistry or a comparable field, with a grade average of 80, or higher.  In special instances, a candidate who has passed certain courses required by the Curriculum Committee, may be accepted.

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