Exact Sciences - Graduate programs

Raymond and Beverly Sackler Faculty of Exact Sciences

This page is up to date 22.02.2024

The Porter School for the Environment and Earth Sciences


Geophysics (0341)

The department offers courses on Earth Sciences, focusing on the various physical phenomena and their mathematical description. These include courses on the dynamics of the solid Earth, the oceans and the atmosphere, as well as some courses on our solar system. Special attention is given on understanding the mechanisms of earthquakes and the upper layer of the solid Earth, as well as on the atmospheric and oceanic processes shaping our weather and climate.

The degree is a research degree – M.Sc. and it requires submitting a written thesis, which will be prepared under the supervision of a faculty member. The student has to contact a supervisor before starting the program. The courses attended by the students are aimed at allowing them to perform the research.

If needed, the program may be taught in English.


Admission Requirements

The M.Sc. program accepts applications from those holding a B.Sc. in atmospheric sciences, earth sciences, applied mathematics, physics or related fields with a minimum grade of 80.


In certain cases, the admission committee may require that the applicants will take supplementary courses.


For advice and further details, contact: Students Coordinator: Hila Bakshi Kadar geophy@tauex.tau.ac.il

Head of the Program: Prof. Nili Harnik , harnik@tauex.tau.ac.il

Environmental Studies , Thesis Track – M.A. or M.Sc. (0910)

This program is up to date 12.01.25.


The program is intended for graduates of undergraduate degrees in any field.


About the Program

The Thesis Track Master's Program is an interdisciplinary degree, offering both MSc and MA tracks, personally adapted to each student. 


The program is suitable for graduates of undergraduate degrees in different disciplines who are interested in obtaining a multi-disciplinary environmental education, developing a career in a vital and developing field, and influencing the future of our environment. 

The Thesis Track program provides comprehensive and in-depth understanding of the environmental field including relationships between humans and the environment; environmental processes at the local, national and global level; technological and innovative approaches; and advanced research methods. This broad knowledge and research experience enables candidates to steer different professional careers to include an environmental emphasis, among them research careers, nanotechnology, epidemiology, industrial ecology, plant science, education, planning and consultancy, architecture and more.


Program Structure

The program is comprised of 28 semester hours (and additional 8 semester hours of supplementary courses). The program includes 12 semester hours of core courses taken by all students in the program, and 16 semester hours of in-depth courses that are chosen according to the student’s research topic (including research methods). Students are required to select their interdisciplinary environmental research topic and find a supervisor by the start of the academic year. The research track (MA or MSc), research topic, supervisor and student background will be submitted to the School Teaching Committee for approval. 


The degree program is taught mostly in Hebrew.



Admission Requirements

MA track:

  • Eligible candidates must hold a bachelor’s degree from an academic institution recognized by the Council of Higher Education of Israel, in any field, with a final grade of 80 or above.
  • Admission is conditional on finding a supervisor who is a faculty member of Tel Aviv University. Admission is also conditional on the supervisor agreement, on approval of an abbreviated research proposal and the approval of the School Teaching Committee.

MSc track:

  • Eligible candidates for the MSc track must hold a BSc in any field from an academic institution recognized by the Council of Higher Education of Israel, with a final grade of 80 or above.
  • Admission is conditional on finding a supervisor who is a faculty member of Tel Aviv University, from one of the following faculties: Exact Sciences, Engineering, Life Sciences, Medicine. Admission is also conditional on the supervisor agreement, on approval of an abbreviated research proposal and the approval of the School Teaching Committee.


Due to the requirement for interdisciplinary research, we recommend you contact relevant supervisors as early as possible and develop the research topic together with them. Contacting supervisors later will reduce the chances of finding suitable supervision as they may have already committed to other students.


Candidates who apply late will have their applications assessed based on places available, and thus the chances of being accepted to the program may be reduced.


Further details related to registration, admission and teaching can be obtained via the program coordinator (with advance appointment), inquiry portal, and the school's website. . 


For advice and further details, contact:

Students Coordinator: Elia Yair
Environmental Studies building, room 304

Head of the Program: Prof. Uri Obolski
Office hours, by appointment: uriobols@tauex.tau.ac.il
Environmental Studies building, room 202


Environmental Studies, Non-thesis (Track 0910)  

This program is up to date 12.01.25


About the Program

The non-thesis Track combines a broad global view on the environment with local and regional references. The program emphasizes the significance of multi-disciplinary knowledge for tackling environmental problems. The non-thesis track program includes studies in a range of topics such as the climate crisis, environmental policy, alternative energy sources, environmental ethics and justice, plant sciences, water, food and education. Study of these topics and others will contribute to your ability to promote environmental approaches and policy in your field of work.


The program is suited to professionals with an academic degree working in different organizations including government departments, public and private companies, environmental organizations and others, who wish to expand their knowledge and acquire a master’s degree in environmental studies; and to all students with an undergraduate degree in any field who are interested in the Environment and wish to develop a career in that area.


In recent years, awareness to environmental and sustainability challenges is growing and with it, the demand for outstanding professionals in this complex and vital field. The non-thesis track in environmental studies provides students with a wide range of knowledge and tools that are an asset in the environmental job market. In addition, the program enables students to specialize in specific aspects of the environment – science, law, management, arts, education, etc. - and to use this to facilitate change towards greater sustainability.


Program Structure

The program is comprised of 36 semester hours. The program includes core courses taken by all students in the program, elective courses, and seminars. The standard duration of the degree is two years (4 semesters). It is possible to take supplementary and core courses required for the degree in advance, in the ‘cumulative track’, before entering the regular course of studies.

Students will be required to take up to 10 semester hours of supplementary undergraduate courses. In addition, each student must take at least 2 seminar courses with a total of  8 academic credits which include submitting two seminar papers under the guidance of different instructors. It is not allowed to take a seminar from a different department.


This degree program is taught in Hebrew and English. 


Admission Requirements

  • Eligible candidates must hold a bachelor’s degree from an academic institution recognized by the Council of Higher Education of Israel, in any field, with a final grade of 80 or above.


Application Guidelines

Candidates should apply online, and attach the following documents:

  • Official transcript and bachelor's degree certificate of eligibility.

  • Curriculum vitae including details of experience in the environmental field, if any.


Further details related to registration, admission and teaching can be obtained via the program coordinator (with advance appointment), inquiry portal, and the school's website


For advice and further details, contact:

Head of the Program: Dr. Alon Shepon
Office hours, by appointment: alonshepon@tauex.tau.ac.il
Environmental Studies building, room 207

Students' coordinator: Dorit Landman
Environmental Studies building, room 305


International Program in Environmental Studies (0344)

This program is up to date 12.01.25.


The International MA Program in Environmental Studies provides candidates with an intensive multidisciplinary insight into environmental studies with an emphasis on the middle east and Israel's unique geographic and geopolitical setting. The duration of the program is one year (three semesters) and is taught entirely in English.


The International Program is an interdisciplinary environmental studies program leading to an M.A. degree. A thesis-track option is available for outstanding students who would like to pursue in-depth research after the completion of the three semesters..


Program Structure

Based on the crucial understanding that the future of the environmental profession is both international and interdisciplinary, the curriculum has been designed to equip its participants with the broad knowledge and perspectives they need to meet the complex challenges facing humanity. Therefore, the core courses cover basic scientific content necessary for understanding wide-ranging environmental problems, as well as the legal, ethical, physical and health issues related to the environment. Students on the program are exposed to a wide variety of unique environmental topics such as marine conservation, environmental policy, energy, food, water and more. This innovative program also provides some real, hands-on experience, with local environmentally related field trips, Project-Based Learning courses, and a unique professional internship program that focuses on environmental advocacy and environmental planning. The program is comprised of 38 academic units including core, elective and seminars. In addition, students are required to take up to four credit points of supplementary undergraduate courses (not included in the number of hours for the degree) based on their background.

The international program is open to students of all backgrounds.  An undergraduate degree in environmental studies is not a requirement for admission to the program.


Admission Requirements

Candidates with a final grade of at least 80 on the Israeli grading scale (or its equivalent), from a university or similar accredited institute of higher education, are eligible for candidacy. 


Application Guidelines

International candidates interested in applying to the International Program should apply via the TAU International website.

Applicants with Israeli citizenship are eligible to apply to the program under the same criteria as international applicants.

A full list of instructions is available at this link.

Applicants who have completed a bachelor's degree outside of Israel, at a university where the primary language of teaching and examination is not English, must provide proof of English proficiency in one of the following ways: By submitting an official and original test scores for either  IELTS, TOEFL or Cambridge exams. The English proficiency tests scores must show that the applicant is at the B2 level on the CEFR.

TOEFL (paper): 550 */ TOELF iBT (internet and home edition): 79**, all test components need to be in the B2 range. IELTS Academic: 6.5, all test components need to be in the B2 range. Cambridge B2 First / C1 Advanced/ C2 Proficiency - Passing grade (A, B or C).


For advice and further details, contact:

Head of the Program: Dr. Alon Shepon

Office hours, by appointment: alonshepon@tauex.tau.ac.il

Environmental Studies building, room 207.

Student Coordinator: Lee Mori


Environmental Studies building, room 306, 03-6406616
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