Health Professions - Graduate Programs

Department of Nursing (0163)

This page is up to date 12.12.2022.


Learn to Develop and Advance in one of the paths offered by the M.A. nursing program


There are two academic programs:

  • with a thesis
  • without a thesis

Two tracks:

  • Management
  • Women's and Family Health


Admission to the program is according to the conditions and with meeting all the following criteria:

  • The program is designed for university graduates in nursing or other non-nursing* disciplines who are registered nurses (RN) and are licensed by the Ministry of Health of the State of Israel. The license certification which is granted by the Ministry of Health must be attached to the registration documents.
  • Candidates with a BA degree from an academic institute recognized by the Council for Higher Education are eligible to register with a grade of at least 80. A candidate who has not completed his/her studies must have a cumulative score of at least 80 at the time of registration.
  • All candidates must have prior studies of a Statistics and Research Methods course at a BA level.
  • As a part of the registration process, a personal details form must be completed.
  • As part of the admission process, paid exams will be held. Some of the candidates will also be invited for a personal interview.


* Candidates with a non-nursing bachelor's degree will be required to complete one year of Bachelor's degree courses which will be personally tailored. The condition for acceptance to the M.A. program is a grade of at least 80 in each of the courses. The complementary courses will be held in the year preceding the commencement of the M.A. studies.

Applications can be submitted to the Department of Nursing only as a first priority.


Program structure:

The studies include the following two programs:

  • with a thesis
  • without a thesis
  1. There will be no switching from the non-thesis program to the thesis program.
  2. Admission to the thesis program will be based on the admission exams. The department has the final decision about acceptance to each program.


  • Management  track
  • Women's  and Family Health track

Students will indicate their choice of program and track according their priority in the personal details form. There is no switching from one program to another.

Each track of study has a limited quota of students. Students will be placed according to their request but the department has the right to make the final decision.

The opening of a track depends on the number of applicants and the internal considerations of the nursing department. The department is not committed to open all tracks of study each year.

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